Baby Delilah’s Arrival

Zzzzzz…..zzz…snort…cough….zzzzzz..huh, oh, hi there. I’m sorry but we’ve been so tired lately as we are brand spankin’ new parents of an adorable little bundle. I’ll also admit that this post is quite late as she’s already one month old (holy crap!).

You’ll be happy to know that we have already done a couple of newborn shoots so I’ll be posting some of those images shortly. For this post though, I wanted to highlight a little video I put together from the day of Delilah’s birth and shortly after. Don’t worry though, there isn’t any gross stuff in the video.

Take a look at the video below and be sure to let us know what you think in the comments.

  1. […] She was also kind enough to let me come over after they had them up on the wall to take some pictures of the set-up. Below is the final product and I love it. Well done Katie (and Joe). So adorable, I might have to steal this idea for our little one. […]

  2. […] design/programming. You may also know that just three months ago, Sarah and I had our first child, Delilah Elizabeth Lawton. Unfortunately the time has come for Sarah to go back to the corporate world from maternity […]

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