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I just realized my last post was from February 28th. That was the last day I had a day job and the post was about becoming a stay-at-home-dad (SAHD) and full-time photographer. Well it turns out that the transition to being a SAHD was a little more difficult that I originally thought. Not in terms […]

Where Have I Been?

Dad holding baby

May 14, 2013

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As many of you might know, I run my photography business on the side of working a 9-5 day job in software and web design/programming. You may also know that just three months ago, Sarah and I had our first child, Delilah Elizabeth Lawton. Unfortunately the time has come for Sarah to go back to […]

No More Cubicle Life For Me

February 28, 2013

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Katie and Joe purchased a “Babies First Year” package from me which includes a maternity shoot, newborn shoot, several shoots throughout the year and babies first birthday party. This yields many, MANY images of the little one and one of the best looking and easiest ways (not to mention my personal favorite) to display these […]

Client Product Fulfillment – Katie’s Canvases

January 7, 2013









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