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Holy Moses is this blog post late. So my daughter is almost 6 months old now! Wow does time fly. You might also notice that this blog doesn’t have any pictures of her up. What is wrong with me right? Well it’s not because I haven’t been taking pictures. Most have been ending up on […]

Seattle Newborn Photographer – Baby Lawton

Seattle Newborn Photographer - cupcake gender reveal

May 17, 2013

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Zzzzzz…..zzz…snort…cough….zzzzzz..huh, oh, hi there. I’m sorry but we’ve been so tired lately as we are brand spankin’ new parents of an adorable little bundle. I’ll also admit that this post is quite late as she’s already one month old (holy crap!). You’ll be happy to know that we have already done a couple of newborn […]

Baby Delilah’s Arrival

December 24, 2012









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