No More Cubicle Life For Me

As many of you might know, I run my photography business on the side of working a 9-5 day job in software and web design/programming. You may also know that just three months ago, Sarah and I had our first child, Delilah Elizabeth Lawton. Unfortunately the time has come for Sarah to go back to the corporate world from maternity leave.

While Sarah is deeply saddened by this, the circumstances allowed for an interesting opportunity that I honestly hadn’t thought about until a decision had to be made. With daycare costs as much as they are and with me being able to bring in an income based solely on photography, I’m finally going to be able to realize a dream I’ve been working toward for the past 4 or so years.

Starting tomorrow, I am a full-time photographer! No more cubicle walls to hold me back! Or at least as full-time as can be while caring for our daughter. Either way, it will allow me to invest 100% of my “work” effort into photography unlike now when I have to cram as much as I can handle after putting in a 10-12 hour day.

I’ve been thinking about this day for so long and I can’t believe it’s actually happening. This isn’t all about photography either; I took two weeks off of work after Lilah was born but since then, I’ve been back to the grind. I’m looking forward to spending more time with my daughter. PS, I apologize if my Facebook starts getting a little more…active, in regards to pictures of her.

I’m also not going to stop being an IT nerd and taking on programming and/or web design projects should they come along, I just won’t be doing that as my primary job. *Wink wink, nudge nudge* if you’re interested in such things (IE, having a website or blog created for your family/business/self/etc.), let’s talk 🙂

A big thank you goes out to all of you who have helped make this change possible over the past couple of years. This honestly wouldn’t even be an option if it weren’t for you.

What lies ahead is a mystery and can be scary at times but I know I’m going to work my butt off to give my family and clients the best I possibly can.

Thank You


  1. Pamela Moore says:

    If you ever need a back-up babysitter, I am just down the road and have tons of practice and referrals! Pamela Moore

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