Seattle Newborn Photographer – Baby Lawton

Holy Moses is this blog post late.

So my daughter is almost 6 months old now! Wow does time fly. You might also notice that this blog doesn’t have any pictures of her up. What is wrong with me right? Well it’s not because I haven’t been taking pictures. Most have been ending up on Facebook but not here. Time to fix that.

So below you will meet Delilah Elizabeth Lawton. We call this little bug Lilah. She is Sarah and my first child, and will be our last. Now everyone, say it together, “Why only one?”. Well Sarah and I are both only children and have said from day one that we only wanted one child. Children are expensive, people!

Lilah was born on November 26th, 2012 and we couldn’t be more happy. She is our little angel and makes us smile everyday.

She is also a trooper in front of the camera. She still doesn’t have the whole “smiling for the camera” thing down yet but you know she will eventually. There will probably thousands of pictures of her by the time she’s a couple of years old.

She has been such a calm baby and that has been so great when it comes to taking pictures. The actual newborn session was a breeze and we came away with some pictures that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.

This picture is from our cupcake reveal last Fourth of July to find out if we were having a boy or girl. Our friend and amazing baker, Eva Foster from Lucky Star Delectables made these AMAZING s’mores cupcakes and made the filling either pink or blue. We wouldn’t know until we opened one but unfortunately we squished them a bit in transit so you could see the filling after unwrapping the cupcake (the middle image). What a fun day!

Seattle Newborn Photographer - cupcake gender reveal

The next several images were taken at the hospital and just after she was born. You might have seen some of these on the video I made earlier this year. I’ll link that down below also.

Seattle Newborn Photographer - just born baby Seattle Newborn Photographer - new parents

Below are the images that resulted from the actual newborn session we did.

Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn in front of christmas lights Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn pose Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn with fun hat Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn swaddled Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn laughing

Here are some images of Lilah around Christmas time with family.

Seattle Newborn Photographer - newborn in front of christmas tree Seattle Newborn Photographer - new grandparents Seattle Newborn Photographer - proud new family

And here’s some more for good measure 🙂

Seattle Newborn Photographer - mom and baby nursing Seattle Newborn Photographer - dad and baby Seattle Newborn Photographer - funny pics Seattle Newborn Photographer - baby laying down Seattle Newborn Photographer - funny face Seattle Newborn Photographer - polite baby Seattle Newborn Photographer - owl hat Seattle Newborn Photographer - baby on a bed Seattle Newborn Photographer - baby poses Seattle Newborn Photographer - baby and ruffle butt

My little photographer.

Seattle Newborn Photographer - baby using a camera and taking pictures of the tulips

This last one shows our Christmas card as well as a New Year’s card. They are silly, exaggerated, and Photoshopped 🙂

Seattle Newborn Photographer - new parents


So that is our little girl so far. Thank you so much for view this post. She is now my world.

If you’d be interested in having some images like this for yourself, visit my new website at

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