Where Have I Been?

Dad holding baby

I just realized my last post was from February 28th. That was the last day I had a day job and the post was about becoming a stay-at-home-dad (SAHD) and full-time photographer. Well it turns out that the transition to being a SAHD was a little more difficult that I originally thought. Not in terms of Lilah, but more about finding a balance between taking care of the baby and finding time and motivation to do work.

I also became quite the hermit for the first couple of months while I tried to figure out a way to get out of the house while watching Lilah. It’s just been the last couple of weeks that I think I’m finally getting back to being ME as well as being a SAHD. I’ve figured out that her stroller fits in my car, I’m going jogging with her regularly, and I’m starting to book more jobs.

Now that this is all getting easier, I’m realizing how far behind I am on blogging. I intend to fix that.

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